Conquer the Clutter

You CAN Conquer the Clutter In the course of my work I often meet people who have too much stuff, who struggle to let go of things, long passed their use by date. Things that cease to be of any use in their lives. Relics left over from past hobbies, courses taken, past careers and relationships. Interestingly, one of the reasons people often hold onto things is… HOPE. The wardrobe that is full of clothes, that no longer fit… theyHOPE to loose weight to wear them again. The abandoned project, HOPING to one day finish. Those shelves full of books. HOPING to one day read. The list goes on, and the reasons are many and varied. However one constant that I have observed is, that all of this ‘stuff’ weighs people down in the same way. The space taken up in the home, is nothing compared to the space it takes up in a persons mind. it translates to emotional baggage. Clinging to excessive amounts of belongings, ceases to motivate a person in life, and instead can CONTROL their life. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Here are a few tips to help you conquer the clutter. VISUALISE how you want the room to look ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ COMMIT to your GOAL & SET A DEADLINE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EVALUATE ask does this item belong in my life now ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DISPOSE NOW get rid of every item of clutter, you have worked hard to purge. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~